Trench T Home Technology Corpation

auto training potty

Auto Training Products

Auto Training Potty

There will be three specific models or types of these Auto Potties in the series:

  1. There will be the fully Automated potty with a phone app that will connect the child visually and Audio able with a face time like function after the child does their function in the potty.  
        Here the face timing Action by the system will be Activated a couple of minute after the child have completed their functions in the potty. 
  2. The Next within these series of pottys are where the parents or caregiver can only communicate verbally with the child on the potty; no visual or face timing function
  3. The next series or types of  these potties are where the parent or caregiver can cannot see or verbally communicate with the baby on the potty. Here these units
          will only communicate with the  child, for example telling the child directly when the child does number one or number 2 function in their potty.

It is estimated that there are 3 million Special Needs Children from birth to 18 years old presently in the U.S who cannot be properly toilet trained on a standard potty as opposed to our faster training auto potty.  On average, in the U. S., a child is toilet trained between 18 months to 3 years old. However, other countries around the world have their children potty trained as early as 1-year old. With products that aide parents in new and convenient ways, our company is poised to assist parents or caregivers with potty training needs. Annually, more than 4.3M children are born in the U.S. and another 4.5M in the European Union. Research shows that, typically,Each babies in the U.S. use approximately 6,000 disposable diapers. It is estimated that more than 20 billon disposable diapers are added to landfills throughout our country each year. From household expense to environmental impact, the need to help children transition from diaper to potty can’t be overstated. According to the American Family Physician, 40% To 60% of children are completely potty trained by 36 months; unfortunately, though, some Still won’t become toilet trained until after they are 3.5 years old – now solving these problem our Interactive Sensory Potty with affirming, audible sound along with visual connection to parents, Smart phones, Cars and home electronic systems and save tens of billions of disposable diapers from ending up in landfills within the U.S. and around the world. We believe our product can cut down the training time significantly and turn months into weeks, or weeks into days.

Additionally, our product is designed to give toddlers and other users more independence, confidence, and self-assurance.

The 3-section seat apparatus, that attaches to a standard home toilet, is built with a series of sensors placed around the back of the seat. These sensors will identify biological body functions and alert the parents or caregiver by smart phone app or smart-home electronic systems precisely what occurred in the potty. These product will employ different languages so that they can be sold worldwide. Furthermore, this system is designed to assist physically-challenged special needs childrens. Currently, it is estimated that there are 3 million special needs childrens from birth to 18 years old presently in the U.S who may never be toilet trained on a standard potty. Disabilities like Asperger Syndrome, Autism, Down Syndrome can all have limiting effects on this daily function. However, with sensory-enabled products, physically-challenged special needs childrens may have a better chance at adapting to the sensory training than if resorting to older conventional products.

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